Is Chirpy a Choice?

What is choice? Do you think we choose most things in our life?  

According to Mariam‘s dictionary, choice is the act of choosing or even the power of choosing. However it can also mean selection with care, being chosen or high quality. For now we’re going to look at the act of choosing, the power of choosing and how choice impacts our everyday life.

Some people believe they’re thrown into a way of life, a life they just have to deal with.  I am not one of those people, I think we can make choices along the way to increase our satisfaction in our life.  At the end of the day we all choose our own destiny, we choose our path, we choose change, and we choose how we feel about it.

From the second we open our eyes each day we have a choice, to get out of bed or to stay in bed. That choice isn’t always easy, I mean, some days I just want to stay in my warm bed but I never do.  I decide to get up, get ready, and start my day. Sometimes I am a bit more crabby than I want to be when I get up but I quickly change my “attitude.” I choose to be chirpy. I make a conscious decision each and every day to be chirpy. I let go of yesterday, I try not to stress about tomorrow, I throw out the things I can’t control, I think of today. Today is the only day that really matters in the moment. Right now, right here, it doesn’t matter if something didn’t go my way yesterday. I can’t control how tomorrow is going to go today. I can think of now, I can decide how I am going to feel now, and that decision will impact how your entire day will go.

While choice can be hard for some, each and every one of us has the ability to make choices. Our choices don’t have to be earth shattering, they don’t have to change our lives each day, they just need to be for us.  We choose how to spend our money, while some people don’t have a lot they still have to choose how to spend it.  Whether it be to get food, to buy something for the house, a choice is still made, in what food to buy or what item to buy for the house. We also choose how to spend our days.  Are we going to sit on the couch and binge Netflix shows, or maybe were going to work on a home project, or maybe even go shopping.  It doesn’t matter what it is, whatever it is we made a choice to do it.  Choices are made all day everyday without us really even thinking about it.

I am asking you to make a concise choice, so how about choosing to be chirpy?  We should all do it, everyday.  It might not be as simple as choosing to get out of bed each morning but it’s still a choice and it’s a choice we should all make. Maybe we can’t be happy about everything but what if we picked one thing each day to be happy.  We should choose being chirpy just as easily as we choose to get out of bed.  Once you make the choice to be chirpy I bet that decision will become easier and more frequent!  So tell me how you are choosing to be chirpy today.