What is Chirpy?

Chirpy!  Be Chirpy! Choose Chirpy! Define your Chirpy!  Live Your Chirpy!

My Chirpy is being happy, eager, seeing the joy in little things, enjoying the satisfaction of big things, empowering your own destiny, being content with what you have, seeing the positives, creating energy to be better, being in the moment, not sweating the small stuff, and being comfortable with me.  My chirpy is also my family, my dog, friends, good food, wine, working out, and also time to myself!

I am here because I am making a choice to own my destiny.  At this point in my life I am looking for a change, a powerful change to continue down the path of choosing to be happy.  While I have been down this path for myself for a while, I want to help you find your Chirpy.  I want to share how I continue to make this choice every single day.  

Choose chirpy with me.  Define what it means for you.  Decide to stand up for yourself and do what you want.  Take chances, shed tears, but in the end be happy with yourself.  So tell me, what is your Chirpy!